Easy Origami Ladybug

origami ladybug
An origami ladybug may not fly or walk like a real ladybug, but it’s sure just as cute!. Below are instructions to make an easy paper ladybug. You will need red paper, a pair of scissors, and a black marker. Obviously, this not “pure” origami since we will be using scissors and markers.

It should be noted that the part of the ladybug which is red-with-black-spots is the outer, protective shell. This shiny, hard layer is often in the “closed” position when the ladybug is not flying. The real wings are hidden underneath

Instructions for Easy Origami Ladybug

origami ladybug

Step 1:

Start with a square sheet of paper that is red on both sides. Cut along the diagonal so it becomes a triangle.

You can also make the ladybug with a square sheet of paper (just fold it into a triangle) but if you cut the square into two triangles, then you can make two ladybugs. That’s friendly!

origami ladybug

Step 2:

Fold the paper in half and unfold.

origami ladybug

Step 3:

Fold up the bottom-corners so the tips meet at the peak of the triangle.

origami ladybug

Step 4:

Fold-down the two flaps but fold it at a slight angle so the tips are slightly apart from one another.

This is the outer shell so don’t put them too far apart.

origami ladybug

Step 5:

Fold down the back-layer of paper. Don’t fold exactly in half; instead, leave a small gap.

origami ladybug
origami ladybug origami ladybug origami ladybug

Step 6:

Make the back-layer more narrow by folding it into quarters. Refold the crease made in step 5.

origami ladybug

Step 7:

Fold back (mountain fold) a good portion of the left and right sides of the model. Adjust the paper until the shape is of that of a ladybug. Note that ladybugs tend to be more oval shaped.

origami ladybug

Step 8:

Fold back (mountain fold) the left and right sides of the ladybug so it is less angular. Fold wingtips under.

origami ladybug origami ladybug origami ladybug

Step 9:

Make the model 3D by bending back (mountain fold) the bottom layer of the ladybug. Leave the wings where they are but fold down the body. Use a marker to color the ladybug’s head black and add some spots on its wings. Isn’t it beautiful?