Origami Fennec Fox

paper origami fennec fox paper origami fennec fox

We named this cute model an origami fennec fox because of the pointy snout and oversized ears. It just looks almost exactly like a fennec fox!

Fennec foxes live in the Sahara deserts of northern Africa. They are nocturnal creatures and their body is adapted to living in hot, dry conditions. An origami fennec fox can live anywhere. Have paper = have fox!

Instructions for Origami Fennec Fox

paper origami fennec fox

Step 1:

Take a square sheet of paper with the white side facing up. Position it in “diamond” orientation (balanced on one of its corners). Fold/unfold in half, both directions, to get creases which we can later use as landmarks.

paper origami fox

Step 2:

Fold the botom-left edge of the paper so it meets with the horizontal crease made in step 1.

paper origami fox

Step 3:

Fold the bottom-right edge of the paper so it meets with the central crease.

paper origami fox

Step 4:

Repeat with the top half of the paper. This time, start on the right side; fold the paper down to meet with the central crease.

paper origami fox

Step 5:

Lastly, fold the top-left edge down.

paper origami fox

Turn the model over.

paper origami fox

Step 6:

Fold the right side of the model towards the left. Make the fold about 2/3 of the way. This flap of paper will be the ears so make the section as big or small as you like.

paper origami fox

Step 7:

Fold the pointed end of the paper towards the right and downwards; allow the edges (red dots) to meet.

paper origami fox


paper origami fox

Step 8:

Fold that same tip towards the right and upwards; join red dots.

paper origami fox

Next, you will make a “rabbit ear” fold.

paper origami fox

Step 9:

Make valley folds along the creases made in step 7 & 8. Leave the paper standing upright.

paper origami fox

Step 10:

Repeat steps 6 to 8 on the left side of the model. Fold the left side of the model towards the right. Try to make the flap (ear) the same size as the one on the right.

paper origami fox

Step 11:

Fold the pointed tip left & up (join red dots). Unfold.

paper origami fox

Step 12:

Fold the pointed tip left & down (join red dots). Unfold.

paper origami fox

Step 13:

Pinch the paper so it folds along the existing crease.

paper origami fox

Step 14:

Mountain fold (fold behind) the center portion of the model to make the fox face.

paper origami fox

Step 15:

Ease apart the ears so they are angled out.

paper origami fox
Fennec fox is pretty much done.

paper origami fox
I like to fold the model in half vertically so it becomes a little 3D and the snout points out.

paper origami fox paper origami fox
Decorate with nose and eyes. It’s a fantastic Fennec Fox!

Origami Fox