Cube Calendar

paper origami cube calendar

This Cube Calendar is derived from Kunihiko Kasahara’s one-sheet cube. The idea to make it into a calendar is from Ralph Jones.

A cube has six faces so it can only show six months of the year; but, if you invert the cube inside out, the other six months can be shown. Thus, this calendar template needs to be printed so back and front sides superimpose. Alternatively, you can have two cubes and that would give you 12 faces which covers the 12 months of a entire year.

How to Make Kasahara’s Cube Calendar

This model is an example of a crease and collapse design. You fold and unfold the paper as instructed (valley or mountain folds), then you ease the paper into its final shape using the crease lines you just made. This type of design is hard to describe verbally but can be accomplished by “just giving it a try”. It is a bit tricky so be prepared to try it a few times before you can accomplish it perfectly.

    • 2024 printout with crease patterns
    • 2024 printout without crease patterns
    • instructions for collapsing the paper into a Cube Calendar

Jeremy Shafer has designed a variation on Kasahara’s cube. The method of collapse is different because he started with different crease pattern; however, it may be useful to see how he collapse his cube as a way to understand crease and collapse patterns. Watch video.

Good luck and keep in mind that some people love crease and collapse designs while others hate it.

If you are having trouble folding your own origami calendars, you can always buy a page-a-day calendar from These calendars are fabulous gifts because there is one origami model per day: it’s a gift that will last the entire year. Depending on what you like, you can get a page-a-day calendar devoted to paper airplanes. Imagine designing 365 paper airplanes, wouldn’t that be a challenge!
    • Page-a-Day Origami Calendar

Don’t forget that you can also get Fold-A-Day Kirigami calendars which are super cool! Kirigami is like origami except that you use scissors to cut the paper. Typically, you fold the paper and then cut bits and pieces off. When you unfold the paper, you get a repeated pattern. The paper snowflakes made by kindergarteners is an example of kirigami. In addition to the classic snowflake, you can also make flowers, mandalas, and star burst designs.
    • Paper Airplane Calendar

Page a Day Origami Calendar Page a Day Kirigami Calendar