Origami Activities


The books emphasize
systems of polyhedra.
contact me at gurkewitz@wcsu.ctstateu.edu with questions.

Conference Talks and Papers

Workshops, mostly on Modular Origami Polyhedra, others on origami


Board of Directors

Served on the Board of Directors for FOCA, The Friends of the Origami Center of America for its first five years 1978-82.(The organization is now called OrigamiUSA.)


CSU-AAUP Grant at Western Connecticut State University to finish
writing "3D Geometric Origami:Modular Polyhedra" 1993-4

TV appearances, Newspaper Article,Book Reviews,Computer Graphics Citation


I am interested in doing more work combining use of the computer and modular origami polyhedra.

This page transfered to https://make-origami.com/RonaGurkewitz/home.php in May, 2017 with permission from Rona Gurkewitz.
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