Origami Activities
- "3D Geometric Origami:Modular Polyhedra", Gurkewitz,Arnstein 96 Dover
- "Modular Origami Polyhedra", Simon,Arnstein,Gurkewitz 99 Dover
The books emphasize systems of polyhedra.
contact me at gurkewitz@wcsu.ctstateu.edu with questions.
Conference Talks and Papers
- "Modular Origami Polyhedra", MAA Northeast Regional Meeting,
Western Connecticut State University, October 98
- "Designing Modular Origami Polyhedra", MAA-AMS Joint Meetings,
Baltimore, Jan 1998
- "Modular Origami Polyhedra and Math Education", Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Origami, Education and Therapy,
New York,summer 96
- "Modular Origami Polyhedra and Math Education", Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Origami Science and Scientific
Origami, Ohtsu, Japan 94
Workshops, mostly on Modular Origami Polyhedra, others on origami
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York around 77
- Museum of Natural History, New York through OrigamiUSA activities
- Teach models at OrigamiUSA national convention, New York City every year
- NCTM Annual Meeting, 1976, another one or two that I can't remember
- International Congress of Math Education, Berkeley 1980 poster session
- Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut, twice
- NCTM Regional Conference, Long Island, Dec 97
- Association of Math Teachers in New York State Annual Conference, 98
- Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 89
- 6th International Conference on Thinking, MIT 94
- Mensa Annual Gathering, Cambridge, Mass 94
- Key Curriculum Press workshops, 96, 97
- In-service Teacher Workshops various k-12 96, 97, 98,99
- Math/Science Discovery Program sponsored by Union Carbide at WCSU
200 fifth graders each year, for five years around 1989-1993
- local bookstores 96, 98
- Ct libraries and classe, since 96 5 programs/year
- Original Models Displayed on Japan Airlines Fifth Avenue
Origami Christmas Tree for twenty years, from the first year
- Original Origami Models Displayed on a Smithsonian Origami Christmas Tree
- Models from "3D Geometric Origami" on display at Brookfield Public Library 96
- Models from my books on display since 96 in display case outside of WS109 on the Westside Campus of Western Connecticut State University
Board of Directors
Served on the Board of Directors for FOCA, The Friends of the Origami Center of America for its first five years 1978-82.(The organization is now called OrigamiUSA.)
CSU-AAUP Grant at Western Connecticut State University to finish
writing "3D Geometric Origami:Modular Polyhedra" 1993-4
TV appearances, Newspaper Article,Book Reviews,Computer Graphics Citation
- Taught origami on Romper Room TV show twice in 1976
- Danbury News Times Profile of Rona Gurkewitz
- School Science and Mathematics Review of "3D Geometric Origami:Modular
Polyhedra", March 99, available through Northern Lights through barnesandnoble.com
- Andrew Glassner's Notebooks July 96, Sept 96These notebooks are columns on Origami Polyhedra and More Origami Polyhedra that appeared in Computer Graphics and Animation. They have been compiled into a new book: "Andrew Glassner's Notebook:Recreational Computer Graphics" 8/99
- "3D Geometric Origami:Modular Polyhedra" has been reviewed in Mathematical Reviews, Mathematics Magazine, School Science and Mathematics, Origami USA newsletter, British Origami Society newsletter, West Coast Origami Guild
Newsletter, Hungarian Origami newsletter
- "Modular Origami Polyhedra" has been reviewed in Mathematical Reviews
I am interested in doing more work combining use of the computer and
modular origami polyhedra.
This page transfered to https://make-origami.com/RonaGurkewitz/home.php in May, 2017 with permission from Rona Gurkewitz.
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